VaporDry Mobile is the ideal solution for any mobile application that requires precise humidity.
VaporDry Mobile Benefits
- Remote monitoring capabilities
- Simple timer operation (or easy to set humidistat)
- Humidity fills space with a dry fog without wetting walls and floors
- Does not require costly reverse osmosis water filtration
- Precise and reliable humidification
- Very low maintenance
- Best industry warranty
Protect materials during transportation with proper humidity
VaporDry Mobile’s ability to maintain precise humidity levels within a given space allows for materials, electronics and machinery to travel without fear of being damaged.
Controlled Dry Fog Particle Size Distribution
Our precision machined nozzle technology along with accurately controlled air and water pressures allow for droplet sizes as small as 2 microns and consistently well below a 10 micron size water vapor.
Using a 632.8nm HeNe laser diffraction Particle Analyzer that measures drop size based on the diffraction pattern of the laser caused by the water vapor passing through the sampling area, Corrigan optimized the parameters needed to consistently produce dry fog.
VaporDry™ produces dry fog particles that rapidly evaporate before saturating or condensing on any surface.
VaporDry™ Humidity System
Patented. Patent #10,508,821

VaporDry™ Humidity System
Each system has a capacity of 8.3 lbs/hour and consumes 2.5 CFM at 35 psi. The VaporDry system can be specified to meet the exact requirements of any application. Quantity determined by room size, desired temperature, desired relative humidity and fresh air turnover.

Low profile design for installation ease with adjustable water regulator for added humidity control. Fractional horsepower units allow for flexibility with multi-room layout.

Control Panel
Controllers come in various configurations. From simple one panel readouts to NEMA rated enclosures, control panels are specified to meet any application.

Heated Transmitter
± 1.3% accuracy. Heated probe. 0-100% RH. Accurate and long term stable measurement under continuous high humidity and in demanding climate conditions.